
Showing posts from July, 2015


This story bears more facts than fiction. Though I have not encountered such an anecdote before, I have heard of several true stories of people I have no connection with. The characters are totally fictional. When you are done writing a story, you just know whether it's good or bad. I felt glad after writing this piece. FLOWERS “I did it girl! I got the Job!” said Chris on his phone as he carved his way through the busy pathway. “Yes! I know. I wanted to tell mom first, but I also wanted to tell her in person, which of course will take some time” he paused “So I decided to give the good news to you first.” “Of course you are dear! Now come to my house with your parents today umm..” he glanced at his watch “.. at six. Ya, six would be okay.”, he managed to step aside from the lunatic stream to concentrate more on what he had to say. “Sure. Ok listen, I’m getting some sweets for her, what else should I take?”, he looked around scavenging for something worthy. “D...