The Stranger In The Tavern
“That’s it! I’m done!” exclaimed Ravi as he thwacked the pitcher down on the deceitful table. “What’s your story today?” asked Neel saving the beer from falling out of the jug. “Same old! That selfish brainless boss of mine! Sometimes I wish to strangle her to death with these very hands and spend the rest of my life in jail, at peace” he strangled the jug instead. “Ah!” Neel interrupted him as he poured a pint out to soothe the daily victim of a horrendous crime, “If you murder her now, you will probably go to jail in your fifties in this country!” “I don’t have that kind of money, or contacts” he took a quick glance at his friend. “But I do”, he replied “Cheers to me and my bill paying friend!” They clanged their glasses hard enough to grab a nearby loners’ attention, who was rather busy, heavily concentrating on the newspaper. He looked at the two in shallow rancour, but the two were too occupied to look back at him. “That despicable bitch!” he ...