How could she forget the labour of nine months in nine dull days? Every moment of every day was planned for, there were no provisions for mistakes. Yet something went wrong. I do not know what. But these nine days, she cried like a baby. Erratic sobs from her room struck me like a thousand needles. I climbed up the bed and sat next to her – quiet. I was never much of a talker. I never understood the working of a language – words. So all I did was look her into the eye and caress her. These nine days made me realize how even the strongest of souls have their limits. I had never seen her crying since the day we met, which was almost five years ago. People appeared from time to time, but the flat was left mostly to us. Every morning she made me a breakfast of cereals and milk usually, and we ate together. She would go out for work then and I’d miss her dearly for the next few hours. Every day she returned I’d hug her and smile to her. She seemed annoyed sometimes, but...