
Showing posts from February, 2017

Lady By The River

In a village by the river, Lived a girl far too clever, For the world surrounding her forever, Yet vanity took over never, The best of her. To people she'd barely talk, In the woods she loved to walk, And social norms she'd slyly mock, And not the absence of a clock, Ever produced her late. So often she was found, Painting water beside soft ground, With colours inside her astound, With magic of the river sounds, A story was written. Currents danced on her command, Fishes held their stance, Animals from miles drew for a glance, Of the beautiful countenance, Beside the river ground. Whenever she painted with joy, The forest burst with laughter coy, Yet no mortal ever heard her overjoyed, But a consistent passenger boy, Traveling through the forest. But alas her poor heart, No human were to ever see her art, For that'd let her powers depart, Away from her ethereal cart, Of beauty and tangibility. ...


Hush! Stop that heart beating, Hear you not the door creaking? The silence breaking; the window shaking, Oh! They're here silently listening. Sshh! Not a noise of breath, Why not fake a death? Carry a shield of hate; a pocket of meth, Oh! Drown into false words now. Argh! They laugh silently at you, They giggle, nothing new? Wish you knew; you're just not few, Oh! Paranoia is driving you insane . Alas! They're watching all the time, Have you not veiled the incomplete crime? Decadent fine; say 'never mine!' Oh! They will relapse. Ha! Look you've made a fool, Surely they believe you're their tool? Be cruel; Be a ghoul, Oh! Pay the cost of living your soul. Good god! You've crafted your world, Doing what the voice told? Reach your goal; hold and behold, Oh! Paranoia is at peace in exulansis