
Rainman! Rainman! Make it rain. Tear my heart and Wash away my stains. Rainman! Rainman! Where have you gone? The heat is abrasive, And I've waited for too long. It happened when he believed, It Didn't when he didn't. Some said it was God's wrath, Some, a product of his sins. Disdained he sat under a tree, With eyes drowned in misery, He looked all around, Not a green in sight, Not a bird in sound. It had been years, He blamed himself for all; Not a drop to drink, Dried stood the waterfall. Rainman! Rainman! It is not your fault. Clasp your hand in prayer, Get this heat to halt! Rainman! Rainman! The ground can offer water no more. The crops have dried, wise men fight, Your powers have become a lore! He clasped his hand in prayer, Like yesterday and the day before; He swung out his trident, And danced till his feet were sore. I do what you ask for, No, I do so much more; Why...