What it takes
What it takes - To win a man, Is not swords, tanks and pistols, Or mortar shots on brick walls. It is not about defeating his will, Or turning his whispers into shrills; Breaking his bones will not help, Numbing his senses will not help. And don't you think you can win - His heart by a grandeur celebration; Or bringing many more together, And partying every occasion! He will not be won, By all that is shown - To impress, but express So much with jubilant grace. Indeed that is the way, Close to what a woman would say: "I need not your riches, your power, your wisdom; All I want is to calm this esoteric storm!" "I am not affected by sporadic events, But little things that help me vent; All the feelings that I have in me, Under the moon I want to breathe freely!" And it is not so different, Than what a woman would say; All a man wants is to be heard, And his hair gray - Be filled with memo...