
Showing posts from June, 2018

Shaan and I

Many things have happened in the past. Things that should not have happened - but they did. Well, the world is not under my control; hell; not even I am under my control. But that is how it always has been and so here we are - staring at the beautiful sunset; Pretty; Nostalgic; Symbolic; but I am bored of it. I am bored of music. I am bored of talking. I am bored of myself. There isn't much to do in this tiny village of Mulai. For an old man like me, time becomes stagnant. Life is all but routine with no precedence. A routine of moments I do not want to live. Why should I? I do not want to spend the end years of my life whining as an enthralled pig. But is there anything I can do about it? Life after all, is not under my control. Sometimes I sit back and ponder on how I became what I am - I have all the time in the world. I cannot help but think how all desired reflections of life are balanced on critical tiny time frames. Where one silly mistake can break the refl