The Philosopher's Curse

To be a philosopher,
Is to love and hate together.
Praise the Lord -
While denying his existence;
And stabbing your own back.

It is a mix of everything everywhere;
To know that you don't know,
To live in minutes and seconds,
And breathe through the skin,
And talk with your eyes.

It is a conflict,
With the community inside!
The brain; the conscience; the heart.
To contradict self -
And live in eternal enquiry.

It is to talk,
But to oneself -
Indulged in self-inquisition.
To stray away from the world,
And be branded mute.

Every day a war,
Every word a battle,
Every deduction a fight,
Every green a blue,
And every second a wrong!

It is to question,
What all take for granted;
And deny,
What all take for law;
And sing about every flaw.

It is to stand alone,
And not able to explain why!
It is to not know the difference -
Between a gift and a curse.
It is to believe and make believe.


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