What it takes

What it takes -
To win a man,
Is not swords, tanks and pistols,
Or mortar shots on brick walls.

It is not about defeating his will,
Or turning his whispers into shrills;
Breaking his bones will not help,
Numbing his senses will not help.

And don't you think you can win -
His heart by a grandeur celebration;
Or bringing many more together,
And partying every occasion!

He will not be won,
By all that is shown -
To impress, but express
So much with jubilant grace.

Indeed that is the way,
Close to what a woman would say:
"I need not your riches, your power, your wisdom;
All I want is to calm this esoteric storm!"

"I am not affected by sporadic events,
But little things that help me vent;
All the feelings that I have in me,
Under the moon I want to breathe freely!"

And it is not so different,
Than what a woman would say;
All a man wants is to be heard,
And his hair gray -
Be filled with memories of everyday!

The man of the house,
Also desires a pedicure at times;
Always filled with work,
Also desires soft love sometimes;

But he would never ask for it -
Because that is in no man's wit!
He wants his actions heard as his words mask them,
For he is waiting understanding, and has always waited,
But loves to say how women are complicated!

A flower one morning for no reason,
Ice cream on bed in the wrong season;
Break the monotony, asking him to stay,
'Don't worry, I've got it today!'

And when all this has happened,
He will take a bow on his stand;
And you would know,
For you have won a man!


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