
We know so little about the place we live in. What are we? Where are we? Where did we come from? We bind our imagination to limits we think we cannot cross. Ego, pain, hatred; we think we are at the center of the universe. But little do we know about it. We are much tinier than a drop of water in this vast ocean and I think everyone should realize this - know who they are, where they belong. This is one of my favourites: 


I sometimes doubt my existence,
For I know not who I am;
Larger than the largest you know,
Beyond mortal comprehension.

Woke up to chaos years ago,
Parts of me yet follow the early norms;
Much wiser than you think,
For I have seen years of all.

I laugh at your vanity,
You are blinded by lust;
From where I see,
You are smaller than a speck of dust.

There are many - many like you,
Governed by similar rules;
Many more than what you think,
That lie outside your world.

Billion stars; Billion galaxies,
All lie peacefully within me;
Yet never do I gloat about it,
For I know not where I come from.

Your worldly norms don't apply to me,
I ask you too to break free;
You can never define who I am,
Yet I ask you not: to stop trying.

I am boundless as I know it,
Forever growing to infinity;
And the gravity that binds,
Is torn apart as I expand.

I realize nothing is permanent,
But only change;
You continually adapt to your life,
While in that span, I barely move.

The years you live,
Are less than a second of my life;
Understanding me is enlightening,
But you are never to achieve it.

You cannot assimilate me,
My creator is beyond your imagination;
Know me to know who you are,
Your answers lie within.

No one notices me,
Yet everywhere I am;
Long before you were,
Long after you will be.

I am not a palpable ghost,
I shall not lead you astray;
For I am The Universe -

Infinite in every direction.

P.S. Share my post if you like it. :)


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